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Inspire mathematical exploration in your class
An adaptive year-long math course loved by thousands of kids aged 3–7
Provide kids with engaging problems and a conceptual understanding of new topics before they're formally introduced, inspiring mathematical exploration along the way.
Inspire mathematical exploration with ease
Our year-long program is designed by experts to extend beyond Common Core and adapt to the unique skill levels of every child.
Year-long course with an extended curriculum
Funexpected's versatile tasks help all kids to find their math brilliance! Use in-app stats to ensure your students shine.
Gain insights from detailed reports
Statistics reveal shared weak points and provide a great basis for challenging tasks and meaningful class conversation. In-app reports uncover knowledge gaps and how best to capitalize on them.
Make gaps count
Funexpected Math in schools
Funexpected Math in schools
Funexpected Math in schools
Read about our teaching approach and explore our educator resources
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