You'll see anyone can learn math with joy and engagement!
Games on
Number Sense
Your child will identify and use numbers in enthralling new ways to build a solid foundation for more advanced math skills. Our visual activities stimulate children's thinking so that they learn to add, subtract and play with numbers in a variety of ways.
Games on
Spatial thinking is a foundation for success in math plus other subjects like science, technology and engineering. Through a variety of fun geometric games, we strengthen your child's spatial skills and understanding.
Games on
Give your child a jump start in the universal language of programming. Through the Funexpected Learning app, your child will be introduced to basic algorithmic concepts enabling earlier and better understanding of this new and useful language.
Games on
Using logic is a key component to your child's development of critical thinking skills. Our games provide exciting opportunities for your child to learn how to classify objects, tackle analogies, and use common reasoning to further creativity and independence.
Skill practice
Math Gym
Most kids love spaceships! Now in Funexpected, kids can join a space competition to train individual skills from different sections of mathematics: numbers and counting, geometry, logic, and algorithms.